What Causes Migraines?

At Total Health Primary Care, help patients with migraines and other health issues. But what exactly causes these headaches? Though medical science isn’t exactly sure of the deeper underlying causes, they have identified several triggers that may cause or worsen your pain.

Poor Diet

Have you been eating a lot of salty and processed foods? Are aged cheeses one of your favorite foods? These items, unfortunately, trigger headaches in many people. Sweeteners like aspartame and MSG may trigger migraine onset. If you eat high levels of these foods or notice headaches after trying them, change your diet to avoid these items. Foods high in nitrates such as: Salami, pastrami, pepperoni, bologna, hot dogs, cheese, wine, spinach.

Changes in Hormones

Are you nearing menopause and experiencing chronic, intense head pain? Hormonal shifts (specifically in estrogen) can be a significant trigger for these headaches. Even regular monthly shifts in estrogen levels may trigger headaches in some women, so pay attention to your cycle and track when each headache occurs to gauge whether hormone changes are to blame. HA can become chronic after menopause. It constant lower estrogen levels, like you used to do right before a period.

Excessive Anxiety

Do you notice your migraines get worse when you’re stressed out? Anxiety is one of the biggest migraine triggers because it releases chemicals that trigger a “flight or flight” reaction. These can intensify existing pains and make a migraine or headache feel even worse. As a result, it’s vital to relax whenever possible to avoid this issue. Muscles spasms, of head, neck or shoulders can contribute to this. That's why botox for migraines works - it relaxes head and neck and shoulder muscles. It avoids the nutcracker effect on your head.

Overloaded Senses

Have you been exposed to bright lights, intense smells, and loud sounds before a migraine? These excessive stimulants can cause a sensory overload that may trigger headaches and even a migraine. They’re problematic when they cause you to behave erratically, such as skipping a meal or sleeping poorly: these two common issues both trigger headaches.

Other Triggers to Watch

If you experience a migraine without any of the triggers mentioned above, it’s essential to know what other issues may worsen your headache. Just a few causes of frequent migraine attacks include:

  • Drinking too much alcohol or caffeine every day ( Dehydrating)
  • Excessive physical strain through work, exercise, or even sexual activity 
  • Changes in the weather, particularly during high-pressure patterns  - Keep sinuses open
  • Too many medications (may cause what’s known as a rebound headache) when you stop taking it
  • Sitting too long (such as if you have an office job). Neck, shoulder and head muscle tighten at a computer

Take Care of Your Migraine Risk

If you’re sick of migraines in Selma, TX, and want to mitigate your risk, contact us at Total Health Primary Care. Dr. Anthony Wright and Dr. Gloria Wright understand how painful a migraine can be and will work hard to minimize your suffering. Call us at (210) 654-9300 to set up an appointment with our team. We’ll work hard to find a treatment plan that works for you. If you qualify for a Botox for Migraines, ( 15 migraines per month), Dr. Gloria Wright performs Botox for Migraines.

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